Today there are tea parties going on all over the country, and I was going to go to the one here in Philly but the weather was windy, rainy and cold. I would have had to walk about a mile to the train and then take the train in for the two hour rally. I decided not to go but I’ve been pouring over a lot of websites to see how they’ve been turning out. It’s exciting to see so many people taking a stand for what this country was founded on, a belief and trust in God.
I got to thinking a lot about that today, how the Bible says in the last days we’ll be called upon to take a stand. For years now the signs of people turning against God have been appearing, from taking God and prayer out of schools, to all the politically correct nonsense that prohibits even mentioning God so you don’t offend anyone.
No matter how strong we may be, as Christians, there’s a subtle fear that gnaws at us. Will we be able to stand? What would happen if we couldn’t go to church any more or if pastors weren’t allowed to preach the truth any more? It's getting quite near to that, with pastors being cited every day for preaching things that offend people. People don't want to hear the truth any more and thanks to our government, they don't have to. It might even get to where the only things allowed to be preached will be a curriculum dictated by our "higher authorities." It could very well reach the point where Bibles or any kind of Christian literature or study materials could be banned. What would we all do if all these things were taken away?
They could very well take away all these things. If my Bible was taken away from me it would devastate me. How would I be able to stand then? Would I be able to stay strong in my faith? Then it hit me; they could very well take away all these things, but no one can ever take away what’s in my heart; what God has planted there.
This is yet another reason why it's very essential to read the Word every day; to absorb it, digest it, and make it a part of you. Allow God to write it on the walls of your heart, and bring it to your remembrance as you apply it to your life every day. “They” can take away many things, but they cannot touch what’s in your heart.
Taking a stand isn't just about protesting and trying to hold on to things we have, or about trying to preserve what we have always known and held dear. It's about building something within our own selves that no man can ever take away from us.