Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wisdom and Understanding

In Ecclesiastes, we read about a King who sought to learn, first-hand, the wisdom of man. God allowed him his desire and he set out on an adventure to experience everything life has to offer. He eventually acquired all the things most men desire in life: riches, fame, property, and even women! His wealth and accomplishments soon became known all over the land, and people came from far and near just to see it for themselves.

But, alas, his spirit soon grew vexed because nothing he owned brought him any peace. Somehow, along with all his wealth, he had acquired worry, travail, envy from his neighbors, and many a sleepless night! He began to ponder about how a man is born and dies, just as every other creature on earth, so what good is it to have anything at all? Nothing on this earth is lasting, not even love. He began to hate life after that because there seemed to be no purpose for anything.

"Life is here and then it's gone," he sighed. "Like a breath or a whisper, it just vanishes. It's all just vanity!"

King Solomon finally realized that the only true wisdom is God's wisdom, and the wisdom of man is foolishness. He had learned that the only thing that's everlasting is that which is from above, and from that day forward that's what he sought.

We, as Christians know to seek God's wisdom, but sometimes we find gaining wisdom is not such an easy task. Even with all our reference and study guides, we still seem to get confused. We exhaust ourselves delving through all sorts of books trying to find answers, but somehow we always seem to fall short.

"Canst thou, by searching, find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than hell; what canst thou know?" (Job 11:7-8)

First of all, our understanding is not God's understanding, so even with all our study aids, we have to realize there is no way we can gain wisdom through our own efforts. Wisdom is not something we can obtain through books and learning! It's obtained through how we live our lives. As we learn to fear God, follow His commandments, and depart from evil, He imparts His wisdom unto us!

"Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is WISDOM; and to depart from evil is UNDERSTANDING." (Job 28: 28)


  1. You always write about just what I need help with/am thinking about at just the right moment. =)

  2. I'm so glad. That makes it all worthwhile. :o)
    I've been a little under the weather lately so I've gotten a little behind in my posting. Thank you for hanging in there.
    God bless!


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