Sometimes we feel anger at the world. There is so much evil and sometimes people are so smug and brazen about their sin. It's hard to pity people who flaunt evil in our faces! Sometimes there are people in our own families like this and we are subjected to it on a daily basis. I guess the best way to deal with this, is to remember that they really can't help being the way they are when they don't have God in their lives. People without God are surrounded by the misery they've created themselves. They cannot see any further than the small world they live in. We need to try to remember that God is in control. The very fact that evil may seem to be escalating in the world (or in our own families) means that God is at work. He's changing things and causing things to happen.
We need to keep our eyes focused on God and pray for Him to guide our actions as we deal with all these things. We need to trust in Him more. Things are not as chaotic as they may seem when we remember He is in control.
I love this prayer:
God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The Courage
To change the things I can,
And the Wisdom
To know the difference.
This is what God can give to us when we trust Him. Serenity, courage and wisdom to act as He would have us act when we go through all these things.
Jesus loves you and He cares about your feelings. Don't ever forget that.
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