Monday, February 16, 2009

The Quiet Room

In my life I have learned that when things keep going from bad to worse and piling up on us, it's because Satan is trying to pull us away from God. Satan knows just how strong our faith is, and knows he cannot always get to us by ordinary means. So sometimes he attacks us where it hurts the most...within our families; with our loved ones. In a lot of cases, our troubles are so "close to home" there seems to be no escape.

There is an escape. You can go into a quiet room with your Bible and you can meditate on God's Word and pray. When trials become overwhelming that's when you definitely need quiet time alone with God. Try to banish all other thoughts from your mind and think only on what is honest, just, pure, and lovely and only on things of good report. Think of things which have virtue and are worthy of praise! (Try not to think about your problems or on what is going on around you.) Try to do this as often as you can, and the God of peace shall be with you. He gives us this promise in His Word and I believe it with all my heart. (Philippians 4: 8)

Sometimes when you wrestle so hard with your problems and try so hard to fix things yourself, you finally begin to realize you're not getting anywhere; it's beyond your human strength. This is what God is talking about when He says "we wrestle not against the flesh, but against spirits and principalities." There definitely is an evil here which is beyond our human strength and we are helpless without God. Satan will work on you and try to wear you down, but he cannot go into that "room" where you are alone with God. He cannot enter your thoughts when they are fixed on God; he cannot touch you there.

When things get too much to bear, go to that quiet place...go to Father and shut everything else out. You will find that as you do this more and more, things will begin to calm down; they will seem to be straightening out all on their own. You will find you didn't have to try so hard to fix everything yourself after all. Everything, including your problems are in God’s control and He will ultimately work things out (no matter what you try to do). Whatever the outcome, it will be His will and it will be for the good of all involved.

Rest in that assurance. Rest in Him.

Always remember, God is stronger in our weakness. He loves you and is there for you if you need to talk. You are not alone!

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