The way to truth is through God's Word.
The way is narrow, and the path can be hard to find in the midst of the world-wide web, the many congregations, the many teachers, the many books people have written, the many everything.
There are not many paths. There's only one, and few there are that find it.
It's probably right there sitting on your desk or table, a forgotten, dusty book, the Holy Bible. It's all you need to keep you on that narrow path. It’s the only way to stay on the right path.
Don't take detours or short cuts by only reading what others have written about it or only listening to what other people say about it. Don’t go by other people’s understanding. Read it and study it yourself!
The following scripture describes what happened to the Israelites when they stopped leaning to God for understanding. They lusted for a “better” way and looked elsewhere to be fulfilled. He allowed them to follow that lust and they were left empty.
Psalm 106:
13 They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel:
14 But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.
15 And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.
I once searched for truth in many different places. I went to many different churches, I watched many different pastors on TV and and listened to them on the radio. I read many books and listened to many tapes, and I wrote many notes and kept many, many notebooks.
All I felt was empty, and very very confused. I had "leanness in my soul."
I was "lusting exceedingly," searching for answers everywhere I could, and even though what I lusted for was the right thing, it wasn't God's way. I forgot His way. I stopped waiting for His counsel and sought answers from friends and teachers and books. Let's face it; I sought it from man.
I finally got weary of all the books and tapes and words, and so many other things. I felt I was getting nowhere, and all I seemed to see around me was people disagreeing and arguing over words and meanings, and people even calling each other names. It was only then that I shut it all out, and finally turned to just one book, the Bible.
As I sat all alone, reading God's word, with nothing else to distract me, His love and guidance just overwhelmed me. His Spirit showered me with peace and understanding. Only then did I realize I had been taking detours and short cuts, and looking everywhere but to Him.
Now the more I read and study, the more His Spirit fills me and the more I understand. Don't get me wrong, understanding doesn't come right away. Sometimes it comes as I'm doing every day things and sometimes it comes as I lie in bed at night and the quiet surrounds me. Sometimes it comes weeks later, when maybe something I'm doing applies to something I've read in His Word. Suddenly, His words are "fitted in my lips" (brought to my remembrance) and I begin to understand things as I apply them to my own life. His words have become a part of me. He fills my heart and my soul as His Spirit dwells within me.
How blind I must have been. There's only one path and it was right in front of me all along.
Searching For Truth
We search the world for truth,
We cull the good, the pure, the beautiful.
From graven stone and written scroll,
From the old flower-beds of the soul...
And weary seekers for the best,
We come back laden from our quest
To find what all the sages said
Is in the Book our mothers read.
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