As Christians we cannot stop living just because we don’t like what we’re seeing around us. We must take an active part in life and be a light to the lost!
I’ve noticed an increasing number of Christians expressing a desire to “go home” these days. As evil seems to be escalating, many churches, Christian groups and organizations seem to be building little walls around themselves, as if to protect themselves from the coming doom. A lot of Christians will sit at home for hours and days, diligently studying their Bibles and keeping tabs on the news. I’m sure they feel they are being obedient “watchers of the signs,” because the Bible says to “watch” and be prepared.
This is all good, but Jesus never said we are to stop living or stop participating in life. We were all given one life and we’re expected to use it wisely. Not only should we be using it to serve God, but we should be constantly working towards bringing others to Him. How can we do that if we’re shut up in our houses or churches, only having contact with other Christians? What good are we doing the lost if we isolate ourselves from the world, waiting for it all to end? Far too many good Christians are hiding God’s light under bushels these days, and this deteriorating world needs that light now more than ever.
None of us has the ability to know God’s mind or His timing. It’s not up to us to decide when we’ve done enough or if it’s time to hunker down and wait to go home. But, that’s what seems to be happening more and more. Christians today seem to be convinced the end is right around the corner and it’s time to just wait for Jesus to come and get them. They don’t seem to think about all the lost people out there who don’t have that kind of hope. Who are we to give up on them?
Even if the world out there is getting scary, we cannot hide. Just because Jesus said we are in the world but not of the world, doesn’t mean we’re supposed to isolate ourselves. Jesus didn’t preach inside of a church or building where there were walls between Himself and the lost. We need to be out there among the people just like Jesus was. What good are we doing if we only allow God’s light to shine inside of a church or building, and only to fellow Christians, instead of to the lost? Let His light shine where it can be seen!
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