Jesus suffered all the same things we suffer.
I've been reading in my daily devotionals about how God expects us, not only to follow Him and to keep His commandments, but be willing to share in Jesus' suffering. It got me thinking about how He really did suffer the same kinds of things we do, so He really does know and understand. It's hard to think of Him as actually going through some of the "little" things we go through in life, but He did. Think of the times you've been misunderstood by your family or maybe criticized for no reason, then try to think about how it might have been for Jesus when He was a young boy. Even though His mom and dad knew who He was and why He was here, it was probably hard for them (in their human understanding) not to question some of the things He did. They must have been pretty teed off when He stayed behind at the temple, hanging out with the priests and elders, and they had to turn around and go all the way back to find Him!
When people talk bad about us when we didn't do anything wrong, it really hurts. Heck, it even hurts when we're talked about when we did do something wrong. Well, Jesus certainly had His share of that, and He never did a thing to deserve it. Most of the town-folk all thought He was crazy, and they used to call Him names and throw stones at Him every chance they got. Later on they got tired of that and tried to have Him arrested. No matter what He did, they tormented Him and made His life miserable.
We whine and complain all the time, about how tough our lives are, but we can't even begin to imagine what it was like for Him. He met with opposition no matter where He went or what He did, and was even physically abused. The very people He wanted to help, hated Him with a vengeance. The amazing thing about it all was, no matter what they did to Him, He never wavered in His love for them and sacrificed Himself daily for their sakes.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is our example and we are to follow in Him, but most people don't even think about the part that says to share in His suffering, too. I guess most of us think about the suffering part of Jesus' life, as the task He was sent here to do, so it doesn't really apply to us. It does apply to us. Part of His suffering was to teach us how to deal with all the hard things we all have to go through in this world. Every single thing He ever went through in this life, is an example for us to follow. Sharing in His suffering is just as much a part of following Him as is keeping His commandments.
So why do we have to suffer?
The trouble is, we get too darn comfortable when things are going our way, and far too often, we begin to feel as if we're pretty powerful in our own strength. What need do we have for God when things are going great and we're handling things just fine? Unfortunately, this is the nature of man, and I guess we need a reminder now and then that we're really not all that. When trials and tribulations hit, it causes us to stop and realize just how small and helpless we really are, and most of us do turn to God in these situations. Disasters, especially, cause us to stop and reflect, and most always prompt us to look towards the heavens and seek our Creator. Even people who deny His existence seem to look to the heavens for help during a disaster! Most of us remember how thousands of people flocked to churches and prayed after the twin towers were attacked, but, sadly, all the praying and looking up to heaven didn't last long. It never fails that when things start to return to normal, we soon forget our need for God and return to our old ways!
When a person goes through any kind of suffering, it usually changes him and this is what God is looking for. There's a lesson to be learned in every single trial we may go through, and as we go through each one, we are also being refined to become more and more like Jesus. This is something we could never do on our own, so suffering with Him is probably the most important part of our journey here on this earth!
It's amazing to think of how Jesus, who was perfect, was so willing to suffer for our sakes. We should all stop and think of Him the next time we're feeling sorry for ourselves and wondering why we're so persecuted. He not only suffered throughout His life to be an example for us, but took on all the sins and sufferings of the entire world. That's a lot of suffering and a lot of love.
("Suffering") Revised 9/28/09