Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Life Lesson From Ecclesiastes

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”

With the way things are going in the world, sometimes it’s hard to think of things as ever getting any better. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 explains there is a season and a time for everything that happens under the heavens. Though we pretty much know this, it’s not always easy to think of the hardships we’re facing as just a season or a time.

We’re all going through times of hardship these days. People are out of work, the economy is unstable, and many people are losing their homes. Arguments are rising about healthcare reform, taxes, and politics in general. People seem to be divided over just about everything, and no one is really sure where any of this is headed. With so much uncertainty in the air, fear can easily take hold of us and begin to control us.

We may find ourselves reading every news article we can find about the state of the economy, jobs, politics, and of course, the healthcare debate. We begin to talk to people incessantly about it, and we may even feel rage at the injustice we see in so many things. Pretty soon we begin thinking we must do everything we can do to stop it. It soon becomes all we think about, and though we may feel we are doing something useful by keeping up with things and speaking out, we need to be careful not to allow it to become an obsession. Obsession is a stronghold that binds us, and fear is what feeds it.

There is no need to fear. Our major focus during times of hardship should always be on God. We should never get so caught up in what’s happening around us, that we miss what He is trying to show us. Every trial and hardship we go through, whether individually, or even as a nation, is indeed, a “season and a time” even though it might not feel like it. It’s a time when God is trying to teach us something or make us stop and reflect on our actions. It’s a way for Him to draw attention to Himself when He sees us getting too absorbed in the things of the world.

No matter how bad things may seem to be, we can always be assured that every season and time has a “purpose under the heaven.”


  1. I have a problem that "a season and time for everything" helps a little with, but I need some guidence.
    Jesus said to let our light shine before others, but he also said "do your good in secret."
    When I give I'm supossed to not let anyone know, but what if someone confronts me about it?
    I once read: "Give in secret and blush to be discovered."
    If I am suppossed to give before others, so they may see Gods' reflected light, am I to look for chances to shine, or would that make me like a pharisee?
    If my donations could help a family member get a tax deduction, should I keep the reciepts for them, or am to keep it secret?
    Theres more I would like to ask, but I'm sure you can understand my question.
    I'm so confused... :(

  2. There are different ways to "let His light shine." Sometimes it's just the characteristics of Jesus people can see in you, such as, "Love Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Faith, Meekness, and Self Control." (Galatians 5:22-23)

    It's really all about submitting our will to Him and letting Him take over our nature. As we submit our will more and more, the more of His nature shines through.

    As far as doing good things to allow people to see His light, that's a little bit different and I can see how it can be confusing. It's really all about motive. When you do something good for someone only to get their approval or praise, (be "seen by men") you're not really doing it for God, you're doing it for you. That's how the Pharisees were, always wanting a pat on the back. ("Oh, look how holy we are!") That is NOT shining the light.

    But, when you do good things for people because you honestly love them and want to help them, then you are definitely letting Jesus' love shine through. And you will know when this happens and your motives are right when you don't even care if anyone notices or not!

    Letting His light shine is's not something you can willfully do. It all has to do with your heart, if it's in the right place. If you're seeking to please God, His light will shine through, but if you're just seeking to please men, that's about all you'll do is please them. It really won't have much to do with God.

    As far as doing a favor for a family member, there's really no reason to keep it a secret unless you don't want them to know. "Giving in secret" doesn't necessarily mean never letting anyone know when you do something good for them, it just means you do it quietly, with the right motive, and not to draw attention to yourself.

    I hope this helps some. If I had a little more time, I'd try to explain it a little better, but I'm a little pressed for time right now. Please let me know if have any more questions, I'm glad if I can help. :o)

    God bless.

  3. Thank you!
    That really clears things up.
    Thank you for always being there for me and all your kind words;
    As a kid, I was raised by my grandparents because my mom didn't want to/couldn't take care of me, and my dad was too busy working (to support her) that he didn't have time either...
    Your the loving mother I never had. :)
    Thank you!
    ~Love,Mikey Krolick

  4. Well hello, Mikey. What a sweet thing to say. I have a youngest son is named Mikey, well he calls himself Michael now (he's 31 lol.)
    I'm glad to be here for you if you need to talk or have a question. I don't have all the answers, but I do have a lot of life experience under my belt and am always willing to share.
    I just posted an article called Searching for Truth, and it's about not leaning too much to what people tell you, but studying the Bible yourself. This doesn't mean you can't ask questions, but you do have to be careful not to believe everything people tell you (even me.) You should always search the scriptures to check and see if what people say is really what the Bible is saying. You learn to discern this way. No matter how "reputable" a person may seem, there's always a chance he might be wrong.
    Just wanted to give you a "heads up" on my newest article. :o)
    Take care and have a blessed night.


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