Sometimes in the morning when I wake up and see the sun, I immediately think of the Son. Jesus is the light of the world and without Him we would be blind, groping around in the darkness with nothing to lead us or guide us. It would be the same way if the sun were suddenly to vanish. We would all be in the dark with no light to guide us.
When I see the sun shining, it makes me know God still has hope for this world. Every single day is another chance for us to acknowledge Him. He must have a lot of patience because He has given us so many days and so many chances. Yet so many people don't acknowledge Him at all. They just go about their everyday lives, oblivious to their Creator, and even to all the beauty He has given them. Most people hardly ever notice the beauty of a flower or a tree as they scurry past on their way to work or wherever they’re going. Everyone’s just too busy to give God a second thought.
People are even oblivious to the sun that gives them light every day to be able to do all the things that keeps them so busy. They just take it for granted. They probably don’t even realize how much they depend on it. Not only does it give us light, but it gives us warmth, and is essential for the growth of plants and every other living thing.
What if the sun were to suddenly vanish? We would not be able to survive. This whole world and everything in it would shrivel up and die. It is written that one day this will come to pass. That will be the day when there will be no more chances and the time to turn to God will be over forever. When people cry out to God at that time, it will be too late and He will say, "I never knew you."
Every day that the sun shines and lights up the world, God is giving us a reminder of His great love for us. This reminder is just as wonderful as the rainbow He sends after the rain. They are both an awesome tribute of His promise to never forsake us.
The next time you wake up and see the sun, think of the Son. Even as there would be no life here on earth without the sun, there would be no life here, or in eternity, without the Son.
Wow, I just had this thought a little while ago...
ReplyDeleteEvery day I make sure to go for a walk on the beach, and just pay attention to all of the details:
The pink/blue glimmer of the sunset reflecting off the water,actually look at the grains of sand,and watching the birds,crabs,and peoples dogs in harmony with each other, but watching me with great fear.(reminds me of a couple of old testament stories about all animals fearing mankind.)
It helps reasure me that what we live for is very real.
Also, seeing nature reasures me that if I were to every not have money, a house, family,or friends, God would still take care of me, just like he takes care of every living thing.
Thank you Zina for your frequent
You are the human support I need.
Sometimes when I'm too far into temptation to listen to God, I re
-read your posts and let God back in.
Your comment brought tears to my eyes because I'm always praying my words will encourage someone. Thank you for what you said, it really touched my heart.
ReplyDeleteI can tell how sincere you are in wanting to please God and I can tell you this, as long as He knows the intent of your heart, He will never leave you. Even when He seems far away, He is there, and He will never let you slip too far. I know this, because He has pulled me back in so many times.
I am keeping you in my prayers.
Take care and God bless.